Our Philosophy

"Whatever you are, be a good one." 

Abraham Lincoln

Are you tired of feeling like you're not reaching your full potential ? It's time to start unlocking your true potential with meAs.

Our company is dedicated to helping individuals like you achieve your goals and become the best version of yourself. Using the latest science and technology, meAs provides cutting-edge tools and resources to help you overcome obstacles and make lasting changes in your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

With meAs, you don't have to settle for incremental improvements. We empower you to make transformative changes that will elevate your life to the next level. If you're ready to stop dreaming and start doing, join the thousands of satisfied customers who have achieved their full potential with meAs. It's time to unlock your true potential - let us show you how.

What does it mean to be Humans ?  

1. We Feel Emotions

One of the things that make humans unique is our ability to feel emotions. We can feel happiness, sadness, anger, love, and fear- just to name a few. Humans can express their feelings through language, art, music, etc. It’s easier to know what someone is feeling, whether happy or sad, as they can express it in their faces, language, or outrightly telling you.

2. We have Culture

Culture refers to the beliefs, values, and customs that a group of people has. It’s what makes us unique as individuals and as groups. It defines human life, and it’s learned from people around us. For example, the way we dress, the food we eat, and the way we behave are all influenced by our culture. Some cultures are very different from others. There are codes or standards guiding them.

3. We are Intelligent

This is obvious! Humans are intelligent. We can think abstractly, we can solve problems, and we can use language.

4. We Use Language to Communicate

Language is a system of symbols (words and signs) that represent ideas or concepts. Besides using language to communicate with others, we also use it to think and reflect on our thoughts and experiences.

5. We Can Plan for the Future

Planning for the future involves thinking about what might happen in the future and then taking the necessary steps. This might include planning for something you want to happen or avoiding a foreseen occurrence. For example, you might plan for your next holiday by saving money each month. Or, you might plan your day tomorrow by making a list of tasks you need to do.

6. We Can Use Tools

Besides opposable thumbs, humans are unique in that we use tools. A tool is any object that we use to achieve a goal. For example, you might use a hammer to drive a nail into the wall or use a knife to cut food. Tool usage shows our ability to think. We can see how an object can be used for different purposes and then select the one that helps us achieve our goal.

So, what ?

There are so many characteristics that can help us classify as humans. These include our cellular structure, behaviors, features, and capabilities. 

Humans can plan, use tools, use language to communicate, receive feedback, get motivated, and decide to fail or succeed. The good news is that tech now makes it possible to track and measure your progress.

Whether your goals are Spiritual, Emotional, Social, Physical, Environmental or Occupational, meAs brings you everything you need to succeed in your personal aspiration.

meAs is a tailored AI-powered platform that brings you expert methods and tools for tracking and evaluating your progress, enabling you to attain your goals as a human. 

meAs my best self, 

meAsure it

Do you know what you stand for ?

meAs helps you identify your values as a road map to become your best self.

Every moment of every day, whether you realize it or not, you decide where to direct your energy. Values are how you want to spend this time: What you want to do with your life and who you want to be.

Unlike goals that can be checked off a list, values represent the direction you want to be headed. Getting clear on your values will help you understand the person you are and the person you aspire to be.

How Do Values Relate to Goals?

If values and goals are not the same thing, how do they relate? Your values are the overall direction you want to be headed. Goals are outcomes that can be achieved on the path toward your values.

When thinking about how to live in line with our values, it can be useful to set manageable, concrete goals. If you choose goals that are not in line with your values or consistent with the person you want to be, you won't be motivated. You'll stay stuck.

Does It Always Feel Good to Pursue Values?

Acting in ways that are consistent with your values can sometimes lead to immediate positive emotions. However, pursuing values can also be quite uncomfortable in the short term. Indeed, the things we care the most about are often the most uncomfortable to pursue; in other words, putting yourself out there in a new relationship is only nerve-wracking because you value relationships.

Despite these immediate negative feelings, engaging in actions that are consistent with your values tends to lead to positive emotions (e.g., pride and fulfillment) in the long term. On the other hand, some actions that feel good in the short term (e.g., using substances) are often not in line with our values and may make you feel worse in the long term.

Identifying Your Values

In order to approach your values, you have to know what they are. Only you can determine what you want your life to be about or who you want to be. Of course, these are big questions, so it can be helpful to ask them about specific parts of your life.

This exercise can be difficult because we are used to thinking about the world in terms of goals rather than thinking more broadly about values.

Why do we keep on procrastinating ? 

Procrastination is the enemy of progress. In his TED talk, Tim Urban gives us a look inside the mind of a master procrastinator. He explains that procrastinators are not lazy, but are actually very good at making rational decisions. They know that they should start working on a task, but they also know that they will get a better result if they wait. This leads to a lot of internal conflict, but Urban says that it is possible to learn to live with this conflict and still be a productive person.

When it comes to instant gratification, we are all in this together, regardless of whether we are considered serious procrastinators or not. Hence why we all need challenges and deadlines. 

Want to become a better human by understanding how you're impacting the world from a Sustainability point of view ? 

Here's a great way to know where you stand:  Ecological Footprint Calculator